
Vitamin and Mineral Supplements: Harmful Effects

In today’s unfortunate times, it is voguish to say “I am on Health Supplements”. Are you also one of them who is often on multivitamins and mineral supplements? Do you know about the harmful effects of supplements on our body?

Surviving on supplements exhibits the meek nature of humans. The multi-billion vitamin and mineral supplement industry plays on our insecurities and imposes huge range of additives on us which we believe are essential to maintain optimum levels of bodily processes. The body is capable of producing everything it needs to sustain itself, hence, there is no need to pump it with supplements unless it is actually required, sometimes due to old age or any other underlying health condition. It is important to stop its intake once the desired nutrient level is achieved by the body. Unnecessary usage of vitamin and mineral supplements can cause trauma and disrupt our metabolism.