
Balanced Ayurvedic Platter: Trayopasthambha

Ayurvedic Science has beautifully explained the importance of food under the heading ‘Trayopasthambha’ – the three sub pillars for a healthy life. It is clearly explained that the choice of food differs according to individual’s body, constituency, region, season and compatibility. A balanced diet according to Ayurvedic science is that contains all the shadrasas, ie. six tastes that include – Madhura (sweet), Amla (sour), Lavana (Salt), Katu (hot), Tikta (bitter) and Kashaya (astringent). A traditional Ayurvedic thali typically contains vegetable salad, boiled vegetables, roti/rice, dal, buttermilk, some sweets like porridge and pickle. Pickles can be optional depending on region and season.