
Combat High Cholesterol Naturally

Cholesterol, a fatty and waxy substance is synthesized in the liver and has many important functions. Triglycerides and cholesterol are two different types of lipids circulating in the blood. Triglycerides store most unused calories and supply energy in the body whereas cholesterol builds cell membranes, manufactures many hormones, vitamin D etc.

If we eat more calories especially rich in carbohydrates regularly than we burn, it may increase the levels of triglyceride causing risk of heart disease. Likewise, too much cholesterol in the body is also a matter of severe health concerns.

High cholesterol is a frequent health issue that may not cause any immediate symptoms but can have long term negative effects on our health. Before getting a health checkup, people with high cholesterol might not even be aware of it. 

Let us take a look at several dietary and lifestyle modifications that can help with the treatment of high cholesterol and hyperlipidemia;

  • Eating a high fiber diet such as fresh fruits and raw vegetables can help manage this disease effectively.
  • Yoghurt and buttermilk made from low fat milk should be consumed frequently as they are highly beneficial.
  • Regular exercise for at least 20 minutes enhances the body’s metabolism and helps with management of high cholesterol or hyperlipidemia well. Including five minutes of walk after every meal is very helpful.
  • It is recommended to eliminate alcohol and non-vegetarian food from diet.
  • You can gain a lot of advantages from drinking green tea twice a day as the polyphenols not only cut LDL (bad cholesterol) levels but also raise HDL (good cholesterol) levels in the body.
  • Seeds of fenugreek are abundant in saponins. These glycosidic substances aid in the body’s removal of harmful cholesterol, which enhances the blood flow. All forms of cholesterol issues can be managed by eating half a scoop of fenugreek seeds twice a day.

Here are some Ayurvedic home remedies to help you do away with high cholesterol/hyperlipidemia that can be beneficial. Some of these are:

  • Drinking fresh juice produced from two to three garlic pods and a three-inch bottle gourd regularly for 40 days can produce positive benefits.
  • Consuming 40 milliliters of fresh Indian goose berry, aloe vera and Guduchi every morning on an empty stomach will help lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Drinking fresh lemon water with a little honey in it first thing in the morning can also be very helpful.
  • Well churned buttermilk with some ginger can assist manage this situation especially between meals.
  • A glass of simple fresh water and 10 milliliters of apple cider vinegar taken twice a day before meals can lower cholesterol levels.
  • One teaspoon of coriander seeds can be dissolved in a glass of water and left overnight. Remove the seeds in the morning and sip the water slowly. When consumed frequently, this can assist your body get rid of extra Ama which is toxins and clean it thoroughly. Additionally, coriander has several kapha pacifying properties that can aid with cholesterol management.