
Raise yourself to raise your kids

In today’s world, parents often feel worried about the right way to raise a kid, taking care of them and above all taking right decisions for them. Let’s take a look at Sadhguru’s perspective on raising kids.

Sadhguru says, Children come through us and not from us, so we absolutely do not need to take decision for them. Children are not our property, so we need to understand, we cannot expect them to conduct exactly we want them to. If we treat them as our investment for future, we are creating a sacrilege against Creation as well as the Creator.

We often create pressure on our kids that they should be better than us in all aspects. We frequently think they should have a better life than us. But, literally, It is cruel if we try to parent our children. We don’t actually need to make the child dependant by being so attached to him/her, but try to liberate him/her.  Even the Bhagwat Geeta suggests to follow detachment instead of attachment.

Your child needs a good company but not a boss in form of parents. The biological parents of a child are not experts to impose advices on them. It’s just that the parents arrived this world a little earlier than the kid. As a result, they cannot keep imposing their will on the kids.

Children will generally not listen and turn rebellious, if we try to force ourselves on them. They are keen observers and they see you more than that they follow what you tell them. Being a parent is a beautiful privilege and parents should enjoy this sensibly and respectfully. It is good to be honest with your kids and tell them what you know and what you don’t know. It’s not that parents are always perfect.

So, you might be wondering, what is right parenting? Sadhguru suggests to raise ourselves into magnificent human beings before we raise our kids. We should make ourselves in a way we reflect to our children.