If something beautiful has to come out of a human being, the most important thing is a certain sense of abandon – who you are has been forgotten for a moment. That is when you sing beautifully, dance beautifully, paint beautifully, that is when you can do something beautifully. - Sadhguru
What an artist can create is a world by itself. Artists for whom art is an expression of their individuality will leave a footprint in the world.
read moreHealth and wellbeing need constant maintenance and recuperating from ill-health too, should be sought through natural, proven ways of science.
read moreAs a part of yogic practices, it is crucial to understand the yogic way of cooking and to gain knowledge over the ingredients used in a regular diet.
read moreYoga is the science of activating your inner energies to such a vibrant and exuberant state that your body, mind, and emotions function at their highest peaks.
read moreBloom - Creativity and Performing art is about bringing that sense of abandon in the child's life, through creative sessions like Painting, Sketching, Calligraphy, Art & craft, fostering one's health and wellbeing through sessions like Yogic Cooking, Ayurveda, Yoga and Lifestyle.
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